Christmas Shopping with Kids




Shopping with kids can be hard. Shopping with kids during the busiest shopping season of the year can seem like a nightmare. Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care has come up with ways to make Christmas shopping this season easier.






Before Shopping


  • Make a list – This seems like the most obvious point ever but it is probably the most important part. You need to know where to go, what you need, and how to get out as fast as possible.
    • Traditional paper list too hard to keep track of? Make an excel sheet on Google Docs (share with your partner to avoid double gifts!) Example Columns: Name, Estimate Cost, Actual Cost, Purchased, Need to Buy. Hi-lite the name rows as they are completed!
  • Eat/Pack Snacks – Everyone knows shopping while hungry leads to disaster. Being grouchy when hungry is very common in kids and adults. If you’re in a grocery store shopping while hungry can lead to extra purchases. Make sure you and your kids eat before heading out and make sure to pack a snack!
  • Know Your Limits – Kids love stores during the Christmas Season as it seems everything is geared towards them. Candy and toys front and centre it can be very tempting for children. Before you head out know your compromises (1 impulse item at ___ store like a candy bar or small toy).


While Shopping


  • Share your list – While obviously Christmas shopping may not be the easiest time to share your list if there are things your child can help you find have them hold your list and help you look for items.
  • Get a Cart – When it is busy it is very easy to lose a little one. Keeping them in a cart or a stroller is the easiest way to keep an eye on your child and prevent them from getting their hands on something they “really really want.”
    • Safety: Make sure kids are sitting down while in carts, not standing or hanging on the edge of the cart. Accidents can happen very quickly, especially when malls and stores are crowded.
  • Let your Child Decide – While you may have a Christmas list that is set have your kids help make smaller detailed decisions. {Ex: What colour shirt should we get your uncle? Should we get the cat or the dog stuffed animal for your cousin?} Christmas becomes more exciting as they can proudly proclaim that they helped!
  • Stick to the Schedule – Shopping trips can get boring fast, from the beginning let your child know where you are going. {Ex: First grocery store, then the clothing store, then the toy store}
    • Set a reward for your last stop. {If you’re good you can have a candy at the toy store} By planning in advance you can stop the asking at every store and they have something to look forward to (and to behave for).


As always we hope all of our families stay safe this season!



Kinder Buddies is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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