Enrolling Toddlers in Extracurricular Activities

Small children are sponges so it makes sense to consider extracurricular activities when they are toddlers.  Today we at Kinder Buddies Oakville Daycare will go over everything you should consider when deciding to enroll your toddler in extracurricular activities.


Benefits of Extracurricular Activities


There are many types of activities your toddler can take on after preschool that add an extra layer of learning. Depending on the activity your child could learn a new language, work on their co-ordination in sports, or learn a musical instrument! Most activities also encourage socialising and making new friends which is always a great benefit.

Some ideas for different activities are:

  • Sports: Swimming, Soccer, Gymnastics, Dance
  • Arts: Singing, Instruments, Painting
  • Language: Learn a new language, Story Making, Reading Club

Choosing one specific activity can be hard; some extracurricular activities are important to your family, like learning to swim if you own a pool or learning a second language. It’s also important to consider what your toddler is interested in and what they would like to do. If they have tons of energy sports are a great outlet. If they love to sing/paint an activity in the arts may be better. Your child will always get the most out of the activity if they are interested.


Is my Child ready for Extracurricular Activities?


While it would be so much easier to have an exact age when activities make sense unfortunately children are all unique and different. As we have said before, the key to a happy toddler lies in routine; most kids thrive on routine. Some things that you should consider before enrolling your child in a new activity:

  • Are they going to bed and waking up on time?
  • Are they doing well at Pre-School?
  • Are they excited to go go to Pre-School?

If you recently moved or your family is undergoing big changes it may help to hold off starting something new until things settle down. It’s also important to note that these are considered extra activities and shouldn’t interfere with learning at pre-school or stress your child out. Avoid enrolling in too many activities and check in with your child each week to make sure they are still enjoying themselves.


Extracurricular Activities for Toddlers in Halton


Kinder Buddies is a Quality First Daycare and Child Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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