Tips for Garbage Free Lunches

Back to school means back to packing lunches! Many schools require garbage free lunches. While garbage free lunches may seem like a bigger investment in time, with a few of our suggestions you won’t lose any time and even save a bit of money. Today we at Kinder Buddies Oakville Childcare share our tips for garbage free lunches!

Reusable Alternatives

Most of our go-to containers for lunches like sandwich bags and wax paper actually have garbage free reusable alternatives.

Consider reusable sandwich bags that are available online and in stores. If you are pressed for time and the idea of washing out reusable sandwich bags stresses you out some brands can even be popped in the dishwasher.

If you are accustom to using cling wrap a great alternative is Beeswax Wrap which is natural and easy to clean. Beeswax Wrap is usually made from hemp cloth dipped in bees wax, tree resin, and jojoba oil. There are a few places to order online.

Buy in Bulk

Skip the garbage all together and head to places like bulk barn that allow you to bring your own containers. Bring your little one along so that they can have a say in their favourite snacks like: dried fruit, granola bars, crackers, and more.

When your child has a say in what they will or won’t eat there will be a lot less food thrown out at the end of the day.

To save time in the morning try pre-packing all the snacks when you get home into your reusable containers. This makes it easier to grab and toss into the lunch bag but also an easier snack for kids to grab for themselves when they get home.

Cut up Fruit

Many children are a lot less likely to eat the entire fruit like a whole apple on its own. Instead cut up their fruit in small pieces and pack them in sealed plastic containers. If fruit browning is an issue there are ways to fix that as well. We love Easy Lunch Boxes at Home’s review of different options to prevent fruit browning.

Cloth Napkins

Kids can get messy and of course you’ll need to clean them up. Consider investing in cloth napkins. Too tough to launder? We love darker coloured napkins to hide any stains. Toss them in with the rest of the towels on laundry day.

Big stain you’d like to get rid of on your childs favourite napkin? Try soaking the napkin overnight in a bucket of warm water and 1/2 cup of dishwasher detergent. Add to the laundry as usual afterwards.

Pack Lunches the Night Before

Mornings with little ones are hectic! We understand, which is why we recommend packing lunches the night before. Consider getting your little one involved in making their lunch. As we mentioned before kids are less likely to create waste when involved with the decision making.

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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