5 Best Indoor Toys for Toddlers Gross Motor Skills

Indoor Toys: Gross Motor Skills for Toddlers

It isn’t quite officially winter in Oakville just yet, but the snow has fallen and your family is probably spending more time inside. Unfortunately for parents, a toddler’s development schedule doesn’t always line up perfectly with good weather. Today we discuss some fun toys to keep in the house so your kids can practice their gross motor skills, without the need to scale your kitchen table!

What Are Gross Motor Skills?

Gross Motor Skills include large movements of the body: arms, torso, and legs. While small motor skills refer to the dexterity of the hands, gross motor skills refer to big movements of the body.

For babies gross motor skills start with the ability to lift their head and eventually progress to rolling, crawling, and eventually walking! As your little one becomes a toddler they are learning to run, jump, climb, throw, hop, and more.

Most parents will agree that many of these skills are best practiced outside, but sometimes that just isn’t possible. Your toddler will try to practice these skills regardless, so we have a list of toys that encourage them to (safely) practice their gross motor skills inside.

Play Couches

Play couches are insanely popular right now for good reason. Carrying and placing the cushions allows kids to create forts that allow them to jump, climb, and create safely.

Most play couches come with four pieces of cushions that can be assembled to be a couch and whatever else your little one can imagine. While the Nugget Couch is the most popular toy for this, there are plenty of other alternatives.

If you don’t want to invest in a play couch consider allowing your kids to use your couch cushions for the exact same thing. If you have very nice furniture this may not be an option for you.

Ball Pit

Toddlers love picking up and throwing balls so why not give them a safe place to practice? This might be most useful for younger kids around the age of 2 but can provide hours of fun. Worried about cleaning the balls? Toss them in the bathtub with some dawn dish soap and let them soak. Make sure they don’t have any holes for water to get into, you can close holes with hot glue before cleaning.

Balance Boards

Balance boards/Wobble Boards are picking up in popularity due to their multiple uses. They are carved pieces of wood that kids can place like a bridge to walk over, or on the other side, they can rock back and forth on the curve. Kids use these boards in imaginary play as well as a place to sit and relax.

These nifty toys help kids practice their balance while getting some energy out. While there are plenty of brand name Boards, you could be just as successful finding a local artisan on Etsy for something custom.

Play Tunnels

Play tunnels are another great toy that kids can use imaginatively. You can buy some pop-up forts that have tunnels attached. Toddlers enjoy crawling in and out of the tunnels and have plenty of fun coming up with new ways to use their forts. The best news of all is most of these pop-up tents can double up as toy storage. Tunnels are also easy to find, often sold at most toy stores and department stores.

Toddler Trampoline

Our final toy on this list is the Toddler Trampoline. There is a popular one by Little Tikes that is the perfect size for little ones. Unlike outdoor trampolines, toddler trampolines are tiny and give just enough of a bounce that they enjoy themselves without going to the ceiling. These trampolines will come with a handlebar that your little one can hold on to while they bounce. Great for ages 3-6, and keeps them off your bed and couch.

Trampolines are easily found at most toy stores and department stores like Toys R Us.

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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