Easter Treats That Aren’t Candy

Today we provide some last-minute Easter Basket/Easter Treat ideas that aren’t candy. While candy and chocolates are a time-honoured Easter bunny tradition, some families may want to cut back on the sweets. If you want to remove sweets entirely or just want some more ideas for treats we have assembled a list of great items to consider instead!

Easter Egg Hunt Treats

The most fun activity during Easter is the Easter egg hunt! Plastic eggs are filled with treats and trinkets for little ones to find all over the house and/or park. We have assembled a list of great treats that can fit in those little eggs that don’t contain sugar!

  • Small Stickers
  • Small Temporary Tattoos
  • Rubber Balls
  • Puzzles
  • Collectables like LOL Suprise accessories, Mini Figurines, Roblox
  • Tiny Crafts: Braiding Bracelets
  • Toy Jewelery: Rubber Bracelets, Rings, Necklaces
  • Planting Seeds (Easy to grow plants like Sunflower, Calendula, Viola)

Where to Buy Tiny Toys for Eggs

If you want to get a few higher-value collectibles you will most likely find them at Toys R Us or department stores like Walmart. For the more generic toys, your best bet is to head to a party store or dollar store and grab toys made for party loot bags.

There are lots of premade loot bags with lots of little treats, or you can pick them out yourself.

Easter Egg Hunt Tips

Make your egg hunt more fun with some of these great tips!

  • Create a list of hiding spots, especially the more tricky ones so no egg goes missing!
  • Create a Scavenger Hunt with fun clues as to where the eggs are
  • With multiple kids make things fair by assigning each child a specific coloured egg
    • If a larger event with multiple families consider assigning certain colours to specific ages
  • Hide “tickets” for larger prizes: if you want to avoid small toys, fill eggs with tickets with different points that they can use for larger prizes

Sugar Free Easter Baskets

Other than hunting for eggs many families also give the little ones Easter Baskets with bigger items. These usually end up filled with candies as well, but we have some great ideas of items your kids will love and use for a lot longer.

Outdoor Toys

The weather has certainly warmed up in Oakville recently and kids will be playing outside! It’s a great idea to replace or add new spring outdoor toys to your child’s collection. Some great items include:

  • Childrens Gadening Tools (Bucket, gloves, planter, shovel, watering can)
  • Skipping rope
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Sand Toys for the park
  • Air filled Bouncy Balls
  • Frisbee


If your child collects stuffed animals there are so many cute spring animals like lambs, chicks, and rabbits. Lots of kids also collect Squishmallows, so a rare Easter-themed one would be an exciting gift for your little one!

New Spring Outfit

Kids grow so fast and what was once a cute outfit last spring no longer fits. It makes sense to gift a nicer outfit to growing children during the holidays. You can always get a special occasion outfit with shoes, socks, and bonnet; but an outfit they can play in will get much more use before they grow out of it again!


Instilling a love of reading is one of the greatest gifts you can give a child! If your child is a big reader you can add a book they have been wanting or another book in a specific series. If you want to keep a more “spring” theme here are some great ideas for littles:

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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