How to Prepare Your Kids for the Cold Seasons

When your little ones get a cold, it feels like the entire household has a cold. Sometimes, that may even end up being the case. Fortunately, here are a few tips you can follow to help your kids warm up to the cold seasons.

Practice healthy hygiene

Passing on healthy hygiene habits can be as easy as just doing them in front of your little ones. When you wash your hands:

  • Before eating or preparing food
  • After using the bathroom
  • After touching garbage or recycling
  • After returning home from outside

… you can condition your kids to do the same.

To learn how you can encourage kids to wash their hands, check out our blog post:

Clean and disinfect often

Aside from bathrooms and kitchens – doorknobs, taps, remotes, and handheld electronics hold some of the most germs within our households. Clean and disinfect high-touch areas often with non-toxic cleaners.

Boost their immunity

Sleeping well, living an active lifestyle, and consuming healthy foods and vitamins help you and your little ones fight off colds and flu during the cold months. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, your entire family can build immunity in the face of the colder months (and you might even end up enjoying them).

Play outside, safely

Layer up

Sweaters and socks for Christmas? Yes, please! Layering up with:

  • A warm parka or jacket
  • Waterproof winter boots
  • Waterproof winter gloves
  • A warm hat or ear warmers
  • A neck warmer or scarf
  • Thick socks

… will help your little ones stay warm and enjoy the cold season. To help them get enthusiastic about layering up, let them pick their own gloves and hats because a little bit of personalization can go a long way.

Tip: Beware of winter boots that say “water-resistant” and not “waterproof.” Waterproof winter boots will almost always provide better protection from cold and moisture to the foot.

Wear sunscreen

While we attribute sunscreen to the warmer months of our lives, keeping your little ones’ skin safe from the sun is a 365-day job. Some moisturizers come with SPF protection mixed in, allowing you to keep your kids protected from the sun and moisturized in the colder, dry months.  

Winter-prep your home

Blasting the heating system in your home to keep it toasty during the cold seasons can sometimes dry out the air in your environment. To prevent your little ones from having nosebleeds, you can put a humidifier in their bedroom or within a common area.

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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