How to Make Bath Time Fun

How to Make Bath Time Fun

Bath time can be a struggle for many parents. Getting your little one into the tub is a challenge in itself before you can even think about trying to make bath time fun. However, bath time doesn’t have to be all work and no play. In this blog, we’ll share tips and ideas on making bath time fun for kids, from adding bubbles and toys to incorporating games and songs. So, let’s dive in and learn how to make bath time fun for your little ones.

Bath books

You read that right. Not only do bath books provide an educational component to bath time, but they also add an element of excitement and engagement for children. Bath books are constructed with waterproof materials to prevent water damage, and they come in a variety of different themes and characters that appeal to toddlers. For example, you can find books with colourful illustrations of animals or with simple stories that are easy for little ones to understand.

You can also use these books to teach your toddler numbers, letters, and basic vocabulary words. Reading to your toddler during bath time can also be a great way to bond with them and to help them relax, making it a perfect Segway into nap time so you and your little one can take a break.

Bath toys

Using bath toys is a great way to make bath time fun for toddlers. Bath toys come in various shapes, sizes, and colours, opening the door to your child’s imagination. Some popular bath toys include rubber ducks, squirt toys, sponges, and stacking cups. Whether they choose to create stories or play games with their toys, water and soap make bath toys possible, prompting your kids to actually want to take a bath again.

Additionally, bath toys can help teach your little ones basic concepts such as counting, grouping, and recognizing colours. They can also help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as children learn to grasp the toys in the water. If they’re old enough, your little ones can even choose their own bath toys in the store with you.

Bubbles and more bubbles

Bath bubbles provide a sensory experience for young children, as they can watch the bubbles rise and pop in the water. Bubbles can also be used to create a relaxing and soothing atmosphere during bath time, which can help children wind down and prepare for bedtime.

Moreover, many bubble baths are formulated with mild ingredients that are gentle on young skin and can help soothe and moisturize it. Pick scents that you feel your little one will gravitate towards. Some parents also like to blow bubbles or add bath foam.


Music can help to distract them from the feeling of being in the water and can also provide a fun and interactive element to the bath. You can sing along to the music or play instruments, such as plastic cups or a rubber duck drum set, in the bath with them. Like there are songs to brush to, there are also songs to take baths to. Try incorporating music like this into your little one’s bath time to help them form a routine.

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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