Preparing Snacks with Toddlers

Snack Ideas Your Toddler Can Help With

With another lockdown happening in Oakville kids are back at home, asking for snacks. If your kids seem to be...

Toddler Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene for Toddlers

Toddlers are fiercely fighting for independence at the same time their teeth are coming in. While children need to take...

Dreams and Nightmare Text with a little girl sleeping with a teddy

Explaining Dreams and Nightmares to Toddlers

As adults, dreams are so common we don’t think about them very often. Sleep, the act of laying unconscious every...

Time in vs Time Out

Introduction of Time In over Time Out for Toddlers

A new trend for toddler discipline is “Time In’. But what is Time In, how does it differ from Time...

Socializing Toddlers

Helping Toddlers Socialize with Other Kids

Babies born during lockdown are now toddlers who may not have had any other human interaction. If your toddler doesn’t...

When do Toddlers Stop Napping?

When Do Toddlers Stop Napping?

For many parents an afternoon nap would be a dream come true, but for their kids? Not so much. Napping...

Summer Safety

Summer Safety for Toddlers

It’s finally summer and with lock-downs happening for over a year, everyone is excited to enjoy the great outdoors! Going...

Toddler with long blonde hair reachese for roses in a bush. Raising Resilient Toddlers,

Best Ways to Raise a Resilient Toddler

Raising kids during a pandemic isn’t easy, but it is a good reminder we want our children to make it...

Getting Your Toddler into Reading

Due to lockdowns kids are stuck at home and a lot of teaching is falling to parents. There are tips...

Getting Toddlers to Sleep

Getting your Toddler to Sleep

In a lockdown, there are very few moments mom and dad can put down the “parent” mantel. While sleep is...