Introducing your Toddler to your New Baby

We at Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care know adding a new baby to your family can be incredibly exciting and...

Avoiding Cold and Flu

While it’s still pretty warm in Oakville the leaves are changing and the nights are cold! Fall is coming in...

bronte creek, oakville, daycare, field trip

Bronte Creek Activities

 Kinder Buddies believes in hands on learning which is why we take so many field trips! Nothing is better than...

Introducing Technology to PreSchoolers

There’s no denying technology is an absolute staple in our homes, from tablets, laptops, tvs, and phones it’s impossible to...

Spring Scavenger Hunt (Free Printable)

 Spring has finally sprung in the GTA and we at Kinder Buddies Child care Oakville are so excited to head...

Bullet Journal Ideas for Families

Bullet Journals are becoming increasingly popular, but what is a Bullet Journal? Agendas are great for a portable calendar but rarely...

Fun Fall Activities in Oakville

As September comes to a close it’s time to say goodbye to summer and embrace Fall in Oakville. We at...

New Year, New Routines

It’s a new year and this is the time when many people re-organize their lives and create new routines and...