Transitioning from Daycare to Kindergarten

Transitioning from Daycare to Kindergarten can seem like a big step but the time comes sooner than you think! Today we at Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care discuss how to make the transition easier on your child and your family.

Adjust your Routine

Kindergarten hours may be a bit different compared to your daycare. You may have to enroll your child with a babysitter before or after school. For a week before school get kids used to their new bed time and wake up routine.

New Friends

Your child may have a bunch of friends they have made at daycare over the past few years but they may not be going to the same school. If your child is not used to meeting new kids it may be a great idea to head to a new park or the beach so your child can practice introductions.

Make transitions easier by planning play dates with their daycare friends in advance. While a lot of changes are coming it’s important to continue to try and maintain some consistency that young ones love.

No Comfort Toys

While daycares may be more lenient on comfort toys kindergarten can be a bit more strict. Prepare your child to get used to leaving toys at home throughout the day.

Prepare for After School Tantrum

Kindergarten can be a big step for many children, they can become mentally and physically exhausted from the new routine. Exhausted children can be fussy and tantrums may be imminent.

To prepare for the ride home consider having a light snack and some of your childs comfort toys available. Your child may not be ready to talk about their day, let them lead the conversation. They may be more talkative after dinner when they have had time to wind down.

Accidents Happen

Your child may be fully potty trained but mistakes may happen when they start heading to school. From the change in routine to a new location for the bathroom there are many reasons your child may have a few accidents. Make sure to take the accidents as they are: accidents. Blowing them out of proportion may stress your child out more.

Find a Mentor

Consider reaching out to an older child who is a friend/family member to hype up the transition to your child. Your child may ask the school age child questions and can smooth over any fears they have. The school age child may have been nervous about starting school too! Having someone closer in age to your child explain this may calm them.

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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