Dealing with After School Blues

It’s incredibly common to find your usually mild mannered or loving child argumentative, quiet, or extremely rowdy right after school. Be it daycare or school kids have a tough time regulating their emotions and at the end of the day it can be hard to keep it in. Today we at Kinder Buddies will go over ways to deal with after school tantrums.

Why is my kid having a melt down?

Kids are just tiny humans learning how to be human. This includes learning how to interact with others, understand they can’t get their way all the time, and overall regulating emotions.

When kids are at school they are expected to behave a certain way that they don’t have to at home. They may not have to share their toys or they may have a more strict schedule. Staying on their best behaviour all day can be incredibly exhausting leading to the after school melt downs.

It’s important to understand that your child isn’t purposefully being mean or trying to manipulate you. Your child is in the presence of someone they love and trust so they can relax and get their frustrations out safely. When we understand why our kids are acting out we are able to react with love and empathy; even when they are calling you names.

Let your Child Lead Conversations

Your child may be mentally exhausted by the time you pick them up. It may seem like a great time to bring up schedules or questions about their day but some kids just aren’t ready yet. Your child may give you the cold shoulder or lash out.

If your child seems to be in this camp let your child lead conversations. Maybe talk about your day instead or play some of their favourite music to wind down. If they are excited to talk about something they will bring it up when they are ready. You can also consider saving important convos after dinner or before homework time.

Bring Snacks

If anything adults can empathize with children it’s being hangry. Hunger induced anger is a very real thing and sometimes kids need a pick me up after school.

If you child is sensitive to mood swings when hungry you may want to consider bringing some light and healthy snacks for when you pick them up. Sometimes a bag of cereal is all your kid needs to feel like themselves again.

Consider a Wind Down Routine

Look at your after school schedule and try to give 30/40 minutes for your child to decompress before heading into dinner or homework. Any of their favourite activities like reading, art, or even screen time will help them calm down after a hectic day.

When kids know they will have time to relax they may be more likely to relax on the car ride home. If it’s difficult for your child to refocus after they start playing consider using a timer so they know when they have ten minutes to get ready for dinner or homework.

Consider Scaling back on After School Activities

If it feels like an ongoing battle with your child and it is effecting their time at school you may want to look at their after school activities. It’s not uncommon in the gta for most kids to be signed up for three or more after school activities from swimming, music, to sports.

While after school activities are incredibly helpful for your child’s education sometimes it can be too much for some kids. When they go to these activities they may have to restrain themselves like at school and it leaves little time to relax at all.

If your kids have a lot of after school activities maybe consider scaling back to two activities a season. This works well if your child likes seasonal sports that can be switched out.

How does your family handle the after school blues?

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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