Managing Stress in Children

Mom and Dad sitting while watching their toddler

Children, like adults, can definitely experience stress. As Canadians across the country wait in their homes with their families, there are plenty of new stressors. Routines have been changed, pent up energy, working from home while watching children, we are all running on empty and that includes kids.

While children may not understand the severity of the situation they can always sense when something is wrong. Today we at Kinder Buddies will go over the signs of stress in children and how to tackle these issues.

Signs of Stress in Children

Every child is different so it’s not surprising that children will show stress differently. The good news is you know your child and big changes in their personality can be associated with stress. Common signs include:

  • Regression (Toddlers who are potty trained are having more accidents)
  • Emotional Volatility (More mood swings)
  • Nightmares and Issues Sleeping (May not want to sleep alone)
  • Frequent Headaches and Tummy Aches

Managing Stress in Children

Maintain Routine

Our number one tip for managing stress in children is to maintain as much of a routine as possible. This means meal times, bed times, and any other family rituals.

Children thrive on routine and schedules; trying to keep up those normal every day tasks will help remind your child that everything is fine.

Manage your Personal Stress

Many parents are working from home and watching their kids at the same time. Grocery shopping and shopping for necessities is a stress on top of plans getting cancelled.

We encourage parents to take some time to themselves. Enforce early bed times and use that time to unwind and focus on yourself. When Mom and Dad are happy everyone is happy!

Remain Patient

There is a good chance if you have toddlers they may regress. This means more potty accidents, defiance, and not wanting to sleep alone. Stay patient with your child and know that this is most likely not a permanent change.

For potty accidents ask your child to help you clean up without judgment. If they don’t want to sleep alone consider modifying their bedtime routine to make it more appealing.

Manage Screen Time

We understand that screen time on the tv/tablet/phone/computer can be an absolute God send for managing time. Some kids are more sensitive than others and too much screen time or certain images may stress them out rather than relax them. This includes tv that you watch too! Here are some tips to keep the screen time in check:

  • Avoid watching or talking about the news when the kids are around
  • Make sure parental locks are in place so that all content is age appropriate.
  • Avoid Screen Time before bed

Show Affection

Finally, show more affection. Physical contact is a huge part of development for babies and toddlers. Hugs, kisses, pats on the head all go a long way to helping kids feel emotionally secure and less stressed.

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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