Transitioning your Toddler to a Bed

Crib to Bed

There are a lot of firsts and transitions your toddler will experience, and one exciting one is leaving the crib. While moving to a big kid bed can be fun and exciting for some kids, for others it can be a real project. Today we at Kinder Buddies Oakville discuss choosing a bed and getting your toddler to use it!

When is it Time to move from Crib to Bed?

While every child moves at their own pace, the transition from crib to bed is usually a lot easier around the age of 3. That said some toddlers make the transition as early as 18 months. For some families, the earlier the better works so that toddlers don’t become too attached to their crib.

The biggest indicator it’s time to move to a bed is when your child is climbing out of their crib on their own. Toddlers climbing out of their crib alone is very dangerous and should be avoided. That said, if your child is going through another big transition like potty training, it may be better to wait for one transition to finish before starting another.

Choosing a Bed for your Toddler

When choosing a bed for your toddler you have lots of options. There are lots of toddler specific beds shaped like cars or a castle that will entice your kid. If you’re looking for a a bed that might last them a lot longer like a twin there are just a couple things to look for.

  • Preferably choose a bed frame that is a bit closer to the floor
  • Make sure the bed can include bed rails/bumpers for safety
  • Make sure any bed is sturdy, with smooth edges, and no sharp hardware

Getting your Toddler to use their New Bed

Keep up your Bed Time Routines

Leading up to the transition it’s important to have your bedtime routine down pact. Children really don’t enjoy change so making sure the routine is as similar as possible makes any transition easier.

Let Your Toddler Choose Their Bed

One of the best ways to get your toddler excited about their new bed is by giving them some choices. While an absolute free for all may make a hectic shopping experience consider setting aside 2 choices of each item that your kid would like! Some items to consider to get your toddlers opinion:

  • Bed
  • Sheets
  • Stuffed Animal Friend that ONLY sleeps in the big kid bed

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