Nutritious and Portable Breakfasts for Toddlers

Everyone says breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it happens to be the busiest time of the day for most families. Getting a toddler dressed, fed, and out the door on time could be an Olympic sport on its own. Today we discuss some easy (hot) on-the-go breakfast options for toddlers that are not only portable but also nutritious.

While Kinder Buddies Daycare does not provide breakfast, we do have our AM snack, lunch, and PM snack. All our foods are made in-house by our chef. We are dedicated to providing nutritious and balanced meals to your little ones. Check out a sample menu on our Chefs Kitchen page!

Best To-Go Food Containers

Many schools and daycares take a “no trash” approach to food. Investing in some great to-go food containers not only helps the environment but can also make eating more enjoyable for your little one. We have a list of some of the must-have containers.

  • Hot Food Thermos: Many to-go foods are cold, which is ok but some stuff just is so much more filling warm! We love this list of the best warm food thermos.
  • Bento Box: Japanese bento boxes have taken off for the creative ways some moms make visually appealing lunches. Bento boxes are great since they come with many comparments while staying compact. This list of Bento Boxes can help you narrow down a favourite!
  • Reusable Sandwhich Bags: Finally we love Resuable Sandwhich bags that are perfect for sandwhiches and snacks! Many come it great designs and are dishwasher safe. Check out these reviews on some great resuable sandwhich bags.

Oatmeal to Go (Warm)

While overnight oats are great, sometimes a nice warm bowl of oatmeal can make bellies feel full. Warm oatmeal is especially comforting during the winter. No need to buy pre-made mixes, you can control the amount of sugar in your oatmeal without adding any extra time with steel-cut oats!

Easy Oatmeal Ingrediants

  • Instant Oats – (I love Quaker Steel Cut Oats – Cooks in 3 Minutes)
  • 1 Teaspoon of Brown Sugar
  • Favourite fresh fruit
  • Milk or Almond Milk

Follow the instructions on the steel oats, which usually includes water, oats, and 3 minutes in the microwave. From there just add your toddler’s favourites like fruit, milk, and brown sugar. Warm up the thermos in advance with some hot water and then add the Oatmeal when it’s ready!

Scrambled Egg Sandwhich

Eggs are a great source of many nutrients including protein, but taking out a frying pan every morning can be daunting. Good news is you can buy pre-mixed scrambled egg cartons or easily make scrambled eggs in the microwave!

Scrambled Egg Sandwhich Ingrediants

This sandwich is tasty for adults and littles and is super portable! Add whatever toppings you like, if your kiddo is especially picky you can’t go wrong with eggs and cheese. Consider adding some ketchup.

Pancakes on the Go

Pancakes were always a Sunday staple in my family growing up, but you can prep pancakes to be easy on the go as well! You can buy pre-made eggos or pancakes from the store, or make some pancakes from scratch and store them in the freezer. Either way, when you’re rushing in the morning just pop them into the toaster or microwave before adding them to a lunch box.

Pancakes on the Go Lunch Box Setup

  • Heated up frozen pancakes (Store bought or Home Made is fine!)
  • Strawberries, Raspberries, Bananas
  • Peanut Butter/Maple Syrup (For Dipping)

Pancakes often taste great even without the syrup, but depending on how trusting you are you can add a “spread” to the to-go box. You can even make the pancakes more toddler-friendly by cutting them into strips. Fruit help create a well-rounded nutritious breakfast.

More Quick Snack Ideas

If you need some more ideas for breakfast snacks we have another blog where we mostly have cold breakfast options! Great recipes for Cold Oats, Hard Boiled Eggs, and pre-bought snack ideas for a well-rounded breakfast.

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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