7 Easy Father’s Day Crafts

With Father’s Day around the corner, you’re probably thinking of creative and fun ways you can get your little ones ready to celebrate their dad. Check out some fun activities that are not only fun to create, but even fun to select the supplies for.

  1. Shirt and Tie Father’s Day Card

It’s the classic Shirt and Tie Father’s Day card. For kids, it’s a fun craft that improves their motor skills and dexterity. For Dads, it’s almost a rite of passage in fatherhood to own one of these cards. To see the full tutorial on how to make an easy Shirt and Tie Father’s Day Card, check out this tutorial.

2. Movie Night in a Jar

Do you know what’s even better than quality time with Dad? Pre-planned quality time with Dad, so you take all the work off his plate. This Father’s Day, your little ones can make a Movie Night in a Jar for Dad. In a jar or even a mug, your little ones can fill up movie night treats like:

  • Microwavable popcorn
  • Popcorn seasoning
  • Candy
  • Chocolate
  • Movie tickets

3. Father’s Day Coupon Book

There’s nothing like a classic coupon book. Your little ones can plan quality time with Dad, or even offer a free hug! It’s a fun way for your little ones to show Dad how much they care. Your kids can make their own coupons from scratch, or they can even use these free printable coupons.

They can stack the coupons in a jar, stick them in a paper wallet, or time them together with twine. No matter how they choose to deliver their coupon book to Dad, it’ll be a memorable gift.

4. Father’s Day Paperweight

You must have stones in your yard and fabric scraps lying around someone in your home. If you do, you’re in luck. Help Dad keep his desk organized and tidy with a customized paperweight. Find the smoothest stone from your yard and wrap your fabric(s) around the stone, otherwise known as “decoupage.” If you’ve got letter stickers at home, you can even spell out “Dad” or his name.

5. Terrarium

Want your kids to have the opportunity to play outside in June, but also get their Father’s Day gift sorted? With a homemade terrarium, your little ones can accomplish both this year. Spend the day in a park or even your own backyard collecting sand, stones, and plants to create your own masterpiece.

Your kids can watch the terrarium grow, and it makes for a perfect and classy décor item on Dad’s desk. To see the full instructions on how to create a Father’s Day terrarium, check out this awesome tutorial.

6. Dad’s “Stache” Candy Jars

Grab a mason jar from your closest dollar store, and then hit the candy aisle with your little ones. A Dad’s “Stache” Candy Jar is a fun and easy way to create something special just for Dad (and maybe sneak some in for yourself too!)

Gather Dad’s favourite treats, whether it’s candy or chocolate, and fill up the mason jar. If you have stickers or foam at home, kids can even decorate the jar to make the gift super personal. Dad will love having these sweet surprises in his desk drawer.

7. Dinosaur Handprint Art

If you’ve got some paint and paper at home, your little ones can make a sentimental keepsake for Dad this Father’s Day. Dinosaur Handprint Art is a sweet way of capturing your growing child’s handprint while making a creative and punny gift for Dad.

The process of making this keepsake is hands-on and tactile. It’s a great way to get your little ones to exercise their motor skills. To learn how to create Dinosaur Handprint Art, check out this tutorial.

Kinder Buddies Oakville Child Care is a Quality First Daycare and Infant Care facility in Oakville, Ontario. We take care of children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 1/2 providing nutritious meals and fun activities all day long.

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